#NotForQuitters Case Study 2: Julian - Month 1
Feb 21, 2018 | 0
Q1 - What were your first thoughts when you tried vaping for the first time?
Quite a distinctive taste and smell and a lot different to a cigarette but does provide a powerful hit of nicotine and a nice exhale.
Q2 - How did you find vaping with the Aspire Zelos as a vaping kit, in terms of ease of use, setting up, refilling, charging, storing, changing coils and general maintenance?
Good functionality in terms of settings for temperature and vape. Refilling a little fiddly as is changing the coil but becomes easier with practice. Need to make sure everything is tight so it doesn't leak. Charging is easy.
Q3 - What were your first impressions of Snake Oil e-juice?
Quite a distinctive taste that takes a little getting used to, is quite sweet but provides a good hit of nicotine and a nice exhale.
Q4 - What nicotine levels have you tried and which do you prefer?
I have tried both 18 and 12 but prefer 18.
Q5 - How many tobacco cigarettes have you smoked in the last month? And how did you feel when you smoked them?
I am averaging about 10 cigarettes a day which is half of what I used to smoke.
Q6 - How many times have you vaped per day/week on average and has this caused a reduction in your tobacco cigarette smoking.
I tend to only vape a few times a day, say half a dozen times and for only 2 or 3 puffs. I find this subdues my urge for a cigarette. At this stage I still prefer the taste of a cigarette but my plan is to ween myself off tobacco and use vaping as a substitute when I have a craving.
Q7 - How many 10ml bottles of Snake Oil have you vaped and how many coils have you used in the process?
About 3 or 4 of each.
Q8 - How have you felt in terms of your health as a result of vaping? Have you noticed any changes since the trial began?
I think it is too early to tell just yet.
Q9 - Have you any other information you wish to share after the first month of vaping? Any positive or negative comments welcome.
Vaping is certainly a positive substitute to smoking tobacco. The biggest battle is the change in taste. I liken it to changing a tobacco brand which as most smokers will admit, can be a hard thing to do. My approach so far has been to try a gradual transition from smoking to vaping and to increase this over time.