When you receive your Snake Oil
Jul 16, 2013 | 0
When bottling I try to ensure the larger 50ml and 100ml bottles are made up from a more recent batch.
All batches are Whole-Batch Steeped for 10+ days before bottling. So if you have ordered the 80ml COMBO, then you will find the 30ml Glass bottle will probably be from a more mature steep, than your 50ml Plastic REFILL.
All Snake Oil will benefit for a few extra days steeping. How long you leave the bottle is a personal choice, but you will find the flavours mature with the fruits becoming more prevalent, while the anise flavour takes a supporting role. The steeping will have little effect on the cooling element.
If you have ordered the 50ml REFILL or 100ml FIESTA plastic bottle only, then as above, a few days will make a difference.
Snake Oil and Tank Cracking information can be found here.