Tmax Juices

Current Production

Jul 20, 2013 | 0

Written by Simon Wilson — July 20, 2013

Update August 2013:

Shipping dates are found on the home page, right hand side-bar and on each product page.

Green Dates indicate next week, Red dates for shipping the week after.

Currently I am producing Snake Oil 3 or 4 times per week.  This should enable me to keep up with demand. I will only do whole-batch steeping this means I have to estimate requirements of the four different nicotine strengths two weeks ahead.

I always do bottling on a Monday and make up orders on a Tuesday and Wednesday, for shipping out on those days.   When I have sold all of a particular strength I will update the Shipping info, as above, and move the dates on one week for that product.  The cut-off point is usually sometime on Sunday.

You can always drop me an email to ask what day the juice will go back online, and I should be able to tell you.

